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Products - Ceramic Fiber
Ceramic Boards And Blocks | Ultra High Temperature Supplier ceramic boards and blocks Ceramic Boards and Ceramic Blocks are made from super spun ceramic fibres by multi component organic/ inorganic bonding process. These ceramic blocks are obtained ...
Ceramic Cloth And Rope | High-Temperature Industrial Insulation Solutions Supplier Ceramic Cloth and rope These are woven from yarn consisting of refractory ceramic fibre with approximately 20% organic carrier fibre. Inserted materials are incorporated ...
Ceramic Fiber Blanket | High Temperature Insulation Surabaya Supplier Ceramic Fiber blanket Ceramic Fiber Blanket adalah solusi isolasi suhu tinggi yang efisien dan ringan, dirancang untuk menahan suhu ekstrem hingga 1. 260° C. Ideal untuk digunakan ...
Ceramic Fiber Modules | unique solution to high temperature insulation Supplier Ceramic Fiber modules Ceramic fibre modules are a unique solution to high temperature insulation applications such as industrial heaters, boilers and furnaces. Ceramic ...
Ceramic Fiber Paper | used for different type of furnaces Supplier Ceramic Fiber Paper Ceramic Fibre Paper, that is manufactured from high temperature Ceramic fibre product like alumina-silica fibres in a vacuum forming process with a latex binder ...
Ceramic Fiber Wool | Isolasi Suhu Tinggi Supplier Ceramic Fiber Wool These are soft and are available in bulk quantities and we make sure to use exceptional grade and other material while developing this wool. These ceramic fibres offer a great ...
Ceramic Wool Bulk Fiber | Thermal Resistance Material Supplier Ceramic Wool Bulk Ceramic Wool Bulk Fibre Modules that are made from insulating refractory fibre. Bulk fibre texture gives it the added extra of exceptionally long fibres and superior ...