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Surabaya - Indonesia
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Products Detail Information
TD Duct Accesories - TD Glue (11 kg)
Polyurethane Ducting AC
TD Duct Accesories - TD Glue (11 kg)

Supplier TD Duct Accesories Surabaya

GL-01 : TD Glue (11 kg)

Best price list discount !

This special glue has been specifially formulated to obtain perfect adhesion on TD pre-Insulated Allumunium Duct panel foam

Hubungi kami sekarang juga kami siap membantu anda dalam pemilihan produk yang paling sesuai dengan harga yang terbaik.Terima kasih !

Jl. Kedung cowek 32,
Surabaya Jawa Timur 

Contact person :
Shifa - 081357551848

TD Duct Accesories Surabaya


Hot and Cold Insulation Supplies Surabaya


Other Products • Polyurethane Ducting AC