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Products Detail Information
Zelltech Al-Diapack-Al ZT-01RBF 4mm 1roll
Artikel - Rockwool Insulation: Rahasia Rumah Tenang dan Damai - Zelltech Insulation Technology
Zelltech Al-Diapack-Al ZT-01RBF 4mm 1roll

Zelltech Insulation Technology Surabaya

Zelltech Al-Diapack-Al ZT-01RBF 4mm 1roll

Spesifikasi :
Model Number    ZT-01RBF
Unit    1roll
Roll Dimension (m)    1.2x40
Layers    Alu-Dia-Pack-Alu
Thickness (mm)    4
Diamond Pack Size (mm)    12
Emmisivity    0.03-0.04
Reflectivity (%)    96-97
Evaluation of Fungi & Bacteria Growth    No Growth
Bleeding and Delamination    Pass
Pliability    Pass
Surface Flame Spread    Class 1
Ignatiility    No
Weight 350 gr/m2

Zeltech Al-Diapack-AL ZT-01RBF

Description :

Standard/Test Method :
ASTM C1371, ASTM F1252, ASTM E96, ASTM C1338, ASTM C1224, ASTM D882, ASTM D1938, ASTM C1258-08, ASTM C158-10, UL 723/E84, SNI 03-6771-2002

Feature :

- Patented Pattern.
- Resilient.
- Increased Air Pack up to 11%.
- More durable under pressure.
- Elegant look, not wrinkled easily.

Supplier Zelltech Insulation Surabaya

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Terima kasih !

Jln. Kedung cowek no. 32,Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Contact person :
Ibu Shifa


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